Capstone Project

Our class is committed to supporting two programs of the Upper Arlington Schools:

  • Service Learning Program Funding
  • Leaving a Legacy -- Senior Capstone Projects

This is the second project:

   Leaving a Fifty-Year Legacy:
Connecting with the Class of 2013 and beyond

Sharing our life stories in person and on our website has been one of the best benefits of our upcoming reunion. A 50th high school class reunion is a significant milestone, and could be thought of as “an ending.” Our class, however, finds that it actually marks the mid-point of our lives, a time when we have experience, wisdom and energy to share with our community.

What could happen if we harnessed all that Class of ’62 brain-power and experience and shared it as a group? What if our class could give a 50-year legacy gift to connect us with the Class of 2012?

Reunion Committee members met with teachers from the Upper Arlington High School to explore ways our classmates can encourage and support students. We learned that our old senior term paper has been expanded into an exciting, year-long Senior Capstone Project; seniors pose significant questions and then research, work with mentors and advisors, and in May, present their projects to peers and teachers. The students’ questions range from genetics to pets to performance arts. As part of their projects, students form meaningful relationships with adults other than their parents and teachers. Their experiences take them beyond the boundaries of Upper Arlington and into serving the real world. For many, the Capstone experience is so significant, their lives are changed.

As we looked at the students’ capstone project titles, we thought about all the education and real-life experience people in the class of 1962 have acquired in the half century since our own high school graduation.  What if our bevy of doctors, nurses, lawyers and veterinarians share their specialties? What could our veterans share? Has one of us been to Guatemala and could guide the student who seeks a solution to the educational crisis in Guatemala?

Look at the questions that follow to determine the capstone projects that might fit your interests and experience.  Then volunteer to review a paper and/or attend the May 24th presentations.  We hope our connections with Capstone students will inspire them and re-energize us.

Please join us as volunteers. We will connect with students by email, telephone, in person, Skype, as a panelist, Facebook, or whatever works for you and the students. Your commitment can fit your availability and interest.

Please contact Sherry Barger or Priscilla Mead to volunteer or learn more about it.
You can contact them through the website.

UAHS Senior Capstone Project Essential Questions 2012




  • How can computer performance and user experience be changed by the computer user?
  • What is positive scientific innovation?
  • How will transportation be automated?
  • What are the benefits of humanity exploring the farthest reaches of space?
  • How do inventors invent?
  • What is the future of motorcycles?
  • Is Science always right?
  • How does design affect everyday products?
  • What makes us human?


  • How do Americans do math?
  • How do people learn math?
  • What is a good speaker and writer?
  • Is a nationally mandated curriculum a viable option to improve the American educational system?
  • Deaf education: How can language be a source of power?


  • What is life like for someone with Cystic Fibrosis? \
  • How great of an influence is exercise on glucose levels?
  • How can American youth become healthier?
  • How does one live with ALS?
  • What is the role of government in the cure for cancer?
  • Where does consciousness arise in the brain?
  • How do resources available to children with HIV differ from those available to adults?
  • What are the benefits of art therapy on children with special needs?
  • How can educators encourage their students to participate in physical activity rather than entering the electronic cyber world?
  • How does stress affect our physical health?
  • What should American kids eat?
  • To what extent should health care be publicly funded so all human beings would have a right to it?
  • Why is obesity a major health issue in the US?
  • Why is there no cure for breast cancer?
  • How can art therapy help children?
  • What are the health consequences of sports related injuries among school aged children?
  • Why is blood essential?
  • How can dogs be used to help people transition from disability to ability?
  • What does it mean to be healthy?
  • How can disability become ability?
  • How do people deal with a life altering medical condition?
  • Why haven't we found the cure for cancer yet?


  • Are we beyond the point of no return to save our planet?
  • How can living green be practical?
  • Where does trash go?
  • What is more important to a nation: the economic benefits of tourism or the fragile and irreplaceable archaeological site that conserves cultural heritage?
  • What does it mean to manage wildlife resources in Ohio?
  • How do you make systemic change in a community?
  • Why aren't we as a nation prioritizing to save the environment?
  • How can we preserve rural America?


  • What are the solutions to the education crisis in Guatemala?
  • How can I help improve education in less developed countries?
  • Why is education important to Mayan people?
  • Why do people in the U.S. have so much while others have so little?
  • What makes change agents, and are there enough change agents in the world?
  • What can we do as a generation to reduce hunger around the world?


  • What influence does religion have on American lives today?
  • What are effective ways to relate to other high school students when talking about religion?
  • Philosophy/immortality


  • How is soccer universal?
  • What important lessons can kids learn from sports, and how can coaches teach them better?
  • How can we share one another’s cultures in today's society through sports?
  • How does our society's emphasis on sports impact young athletes?
  • Sports and culture
  • What factors influence athletic performance?
  • Why are we driven to compete?
  • Does sports shape culture, or does culture shape sports?
  • What is the heartbeat of sports, cooperation or competition?
  • Which is more influential in the creation of champions, the mind or the body?
  • Why do we compete?
  • How has the evolution of basketball affected our culture?
  • How can people shape the future of the ocean?


  • What does music education mean to students?
  • How can music improve our lives?
  • Do humans need music?
  • What effect does music education have on student achievement?
  • How does music education benefit a child's language development?
  • How does music shape human behavior?
  • How can dance affect the lifestyle of kids in impoverished areas?
  • How do artists create?
  • How can people express themselves through art?
  • Why do humans need music?
  • What would the world be like without music?
  • How artists and musicians push the boundaries of their media?
  • Cartoons: What makes a hero?


  • To what extent should charity be limited to financial contributions?
  • What are the direct consequences of communal gardening on a community?
  • What has caused the rise of bullying and what can be done to stop it?
  • What is life like for women living with abuse?
  • What benefits should veterans receive?
  • Can hip hop music positively influence society?
  • What are the reasons for poverty, and how do you bring people out of it?
  • What does it mean to be a family?
  • What is the appropriate role of the media in reporting military news?
  • How does fashion influence self esteem?
  • How do humans and animals impact each other?
  • How can we heal the wounds of slavery?
  • What inspires others to lead?
  • Psychology: Happiness
  • Gun rights: Where do individual rights end and societies rights begin?
  • Suicide: What should be our commitment to each other as members of the human race?
  • Religion: Do para-church groups help?


  • How do local businesses contribute to a community?
  • What does success look like in the business world?